Thursday, April 18, 2013


As those close to me know, I have suffered from "severe acute rheumatoid arthritis" for most of my life. Generally it's just a nuisance. Occasionally it's horrible. This week has been in the "horrible" category. Living alone out in the country has many advantages to be sure: I love the solitude, the quiet, the lack of cellular service for my phone  (I have always hated the sound of a ringing phone). So far the only disadvantage that has surfaced has been my distance to the closest pharmacy. Every other year or so I have what can be called a "severe attack", like I'm having now. Inability to walk, shower, stand at the stove, etc. The pain is simply too great.

This week I have been reminded of how many true and amazing people that I can call my friends. I put out a tiny distress call on Monday, about twenty four hours after the "attack" came on. I reached out to two people and they both responded, so far above the call of duty that I am humbled. John Haverkamp and Janet Ripley, both friends I have known for most of my life, stepped up and saved my sorry ass. John stayed with me for a few days, driving me around and generally humoring me, and buoyed my spirits with his energy and good nature. Janet just left a few minutes ago after driving over an hour out of her way to pick up an emergency prescription for me and having worked seven double shifts at the hospital in a row. Such amazing people. I am so grateful to my friends who have stuck by my side through thick and thin and look after me with such loving affection. I am truly blessed and grateful.

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