Sunday, November 6, 2011

I'm baaacckk!!

I've finally decided to start blogging again. A long time ago and seemingly in a galaxy far, far away I used to have lots of fun with my blog on Live Journal.

Things changed.

My life changed.

I felt the need to shrink away from the public eye and hide for a while and lick my wounds.

I hid my head in the sand and hoped all the pain would just wash over me and find someone else to pick on for a while.

I feel like I was asleep for a long, long time.

Through the gracious love of several dear friends, the path has been re-lit.

I'm awake and conscious again, a boxer pulling himself back up the ropes just before the bell rings. And, like a boxer, I woke up swinging.

Damn, it's good to be back.

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