Friday, August 17, 2012

The boat times.

Kiley, Maggie, and I on the lake. I'm already looking forward to my next visit.

Monday, July 16, 2012

I wanted to take a moment and share the beautiful work of my friend and future collaborator:

I find it to be as light-filled and inspiring as Rebekah herself. Check it out!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Enlightenment? Inquire within.

A wee snail seeking enlightenment on my back deck this morning. Sometimes always carrying a camera has its benefits!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I finally found a shop space!

It's one thing to sculpt and another thing entirely to do production work. Since I've rebooted my studio I've been in a kind of workshop limbo: making molds, pouring wax, chasing, welding, and doing patinas are messy and can be very dangerous animals. Not necessarily something I can do in my living room, if you catch my drift.

Well, I just found out last night that I got the studio space that I've been after and I couldn't be happier. It's located on 12th Street in an old warehouse, the floor below my talented friend Peter's wood shop.

It's already plumbed for air so I won't need to worry about a compressor at the moment (which is wonderful!), I'll just tap into a line and be on my way. The floor is concrete so I won't have to worry about embers and where they may fall when I'm welding or doing cut-off work. There is even an industrial service elevator for moving the larger sculptures and heavy equipment. In addition, the space is absolutely huge so there will also be plenty of room to grow as my business expands.

Basically, all my prayers have been answered. I can begin moving in this weekend after I pick up the key and plan to have everything unpacked and set up by next week so I can get rolling again. I will take photos as I go so I can share it all with you. Even with a rainy weekend in the forecast my spirits cannot be dampened.

My special thanks go out to Kat, Wes, Heidi, Peter and Gordon. Thanks for pushing when I needed it. Thanks most of all for believing in me. I'm blessed to have you all as friends.

Monday, January 30, 2012

To the toppermost of the poppermost, Johnny!

Well, one power supply and one new hard drive later, I'm back online (special thanks to my tech guru Jonathan for getting all the kinks worked out for me).

Just because I haven't been able to post doesn't mean that I've been idle: my first new sculpture in nearly four years is almost finished, I'm on the eve of moving into a new production studio, and I've re-branded with a new company name, a new business partner and an entirely new product line.

Basically, I've never felt better.

I'll have some new pics to share up soon. Thanks again for your patience!